The aim is to connect the AM Industry with Research and Academic Organisations

Collaboration accelerated by Covid-19Collaboration is integral to the long-term adoption of digital manufacturing technologies. In the early days of the coronavirus pandemic, that collaboration drove life-saving innovation. Manufacturers, academics, researchers and others swapped 3D printing files across borders, rapidly adapting them to the needs of medical professionals around the world.This type of cross-sector collaboration is critical to the future of digital manufacturing, according to 85% of 2,000 respondents in the survey published by HP in December 2020 (‘Digital Manufacturing Trends Report’). New Business ModelsBusiness Models are important to find the way forward and can showcase industries what can be done. Research and Education should aim to work together with the AM Industry in the field of innovation and regional knowledge sharing. Industry and Research should work together on IP ProtectionUncompromising IP protection options are an absolute must for both ‘AM at Scale’ and ‘AM on Demand’ — they will converge more and more and become increasingly interconnected.Industrial Project Protecting Intellectual Property (IP) Rights

Sustainability ProjectMaking AM Greener

More than 150 partners in SDAM AllianceThe great diversity in partnership lends tremendous strength to the SDAM Alliance and the AM Industry, Research and Education it serves.Building a pilot of a secure on-demand AM supply chain (please see also ‘Commercial Project’)
A number of partners suggested that a kind of proof of concept of a secure On-Demand AM Supply Chain could be very useful as an exercise in work to determine how the concept will function as envisioned. In an actively managed business ecosystem industry players, researchers and academics should go further and collaborate to advance the technology, identify new applications, and enable users to fully exploit its advantages. In cooperation with the University of Duisburg/Essen and Industriam the SDAM Alliance is setting up such a Proof of Concept as part of a Pilot supported by the Project of an AM Technology Center in the Port of Duisburg. The Pilot centres on the AM Supply Chain for Inland Shipping & Transport. 

Please click the ‘Join this Project’ button to join the Research Collaboration and Knowledge Sharing project. An email will open and you can send your application. The project team will be in touch with you to discuss further. All SDAM Alliance Partners are invited to join. 

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The aim is to connect the AM Industry with Research and Academic Organisations.

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