About Us

What Is the SDAM Alliance? This international coalition strives on bringing together Industry, IT and Research with the goal to build various collaborative ecosystems, where both manufacturing data and digital production files move securely between the different actors — from idea to end-product.  Inspired by the collaborative nature of distributed digital manufacturing, more than 150 participants from the AM world have already joined this coalition.    This great diversity in partnership lends tremendous strength to the SDAM Alliance and the AM industry (and other digital manufacturing industries) it serves.   Conducted Research Interviews and Research Sessions provided insights, ideas and common understanding how to accelerate secure distributed Additive Manufacturing. How to solve the risks associated with a data-enabled global supply chain and thus enabling manufacturers to securely make and deliver on-demand 3D printed products. Anywhere. Anytime.   It has leaded to the Pilot Project ‘Industrial-Grade Secure File Sharing’ as the result of the Research Topic “What is the weakest link in data transfer in AM”.    Furthermore a Research Project has been initiated on ‘Data Integration in Industrial Digital Supply Chains’.   Monthly Research Sessions will provide ongoing insights from both the Pilot Project and Research Project in addition to areas of technical factors, business factors or new applications.     If you’re interested in becoming a partner of the SDAM Alliance, click here.